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Hypnotherapy for

Stress is something we all experience from time to time when we feel under too much pressure and unable to cope. 


And it’s ok to feel stressed sometimes. In fact, back in the stone ages, feeling stressed was a survival mechanism designed to make us take action – to switch us into fight or flight mode. To either run away or stay and fight.


But although our lives have developed somewhat since then, our brains have retained this survival feature. And this is great if we really are presented with a life-endangering situation, but more often than not, they’re everyday situations that are triggering the response. Maybe it’s an email from your boss about a tight deadline, or you’re feeling overwhelmed by your never-ending to-do list.

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Silence the stress

When you feel stressed, it’s because stress hormones are coursing through your veins. Usually, this sensation will pass, but when we’re coming face-to-face with multiple stressors regularly, we can feel in a constant state of stress – and that’s when symptoms start to develop.


Stress can affect us in various different ways, often manifesting in emotional, mental and physical symptoms. 


You may feel anxious, irritated, overwhelmed or your self-esteem may plummet.


Mentally, this might lead to difficulty making decisions, difficulty focusing and even constant worrying.


Physically it might cause you to suffer from headaches, dizziness, problems sleeping, fatigue and even a change in appetite.


And this will all impact on your day-to-day behaviour. You might find you’re getting angry at people and snapping more often. You may feel the desire to turn to alcohol or even drugs to help you cope.


​If stress is impacting on your life, you may need further support. There are several options available including Solution Focused Hypnotherapy.

How I can help

While we can’t always control the stressful events and situations we experience, we can control our reactions to them. 


Solution Focused Hypnotherapy for stress aims to break negative thought patterns and responses to stress and instead provide you with a healthier reaction. 


In our first sessions we’ll discuss your feelings of stress and what you think is causing them. And we’ll discuss what small steps you can take to start managing your stress and changing your reactions to it.


Then, under hypnosis, we’ll make changes to your subconscious using positive suggestion to bring about positive change.


Some people will see results after one session while others may require a number of sessions. This will depend on your individual circumstances and the depth of work needed.



To find out how I can help you, contact me to arrange a free initial consultation or make a booking.

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