Hypnotherapy for
Exam Stress
Does the thought of an impending exam cause you or your child to experience feelings of overwhelming stress or anxiety? Can this stress become debilitating, to the point that you or they are unable to perform anywhere near your best? This is not uncommon – according to ReachOut, 65% of young people aged 14 – 25 experience exam stress.

The pressure of exams
When we’re overloaded with stress hormones before a significant event, adrenalin and cortisol are released into our body which can cause an array of symptoms including headaches, nausea and insomnia. And if these stress hormones are released just before an exam, this can be detrimental to our exam success and even impact on our future.
To prevent this from happening, it’s important to learn how to reduce these symptoms and feel more relaxed in the run up to an exam.
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy for exam stress can help you to feel more relaxed and help you through these stressful times.
How I can help
In your first session we’ll discuss how you feel in the run up to an exam and how these feelings might intensify as you get closer to the big day. Then we’ll visualise how you might act and feel if you didn’t experience this anxiety, and we’ll discuss the steps you can take to make this a reality.
As I then gently guide you into hypnosis, your mind will become more relaxed and open to positive suggestion. It will calmly absorb what we’ve discussed, helping you to move forward and overcome your feelings of exam stress.
To find out how I can help you, contact me to arrange a free initial consultation or make a booking.