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Hypnotherapy for Depression

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We can all feel low from time to time, but most of the time this mood will lift and we’ll feel like ourselves again. However, when it lingers and we’re unable to break the cycle of sadness or lack of energy and motivation, it’s a good idea to seek help.


Lifting your mood

Depression is a mental health condition that causes you to feel low for a prolonged period of time. If you’re suffering from depression, you may struggle to articulate how it makes you feel – maybe it feels like a big black dog following you around, or like a big black cloud overshadowing you.


It can have many symptoms, including low mood, tiredness and low self-confidence. 


It may also affect your sleeping habits, your concentration and your general enjoyment of everyday life. Activities that you usually enjoy may seem to give you no pleasure at all. And this can leave you feeling helpless and sometimes worthless.

There are many ways you can address these feelings, and I would always encourage my clients to seek help from your doctor in the first instance. 


Solution Focused Hypnotherapy for depression can then be used as a highly effective complimentary therapy alongside other therapies or treatments to break the cycle of depression and lift your mood.

How I can help

Firstly, we’ll discuss how you’d like your life to be, free from depression. We’ll discuss the changes you’d need to make for this to become a reality and any hurdles you’ll need to overcome to achieve this.


Then, during Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, we’ll use trance to reduce depression and access the parts of the brain where change can occur. And we’ll use positive suggestion to influence your thoughts and feelings, leaving you feeling lighter and more optimistic.


To find out how I can help you, contact me to arrange a free initial consultation or make a booking.

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